Send a Six-Pack to the Kitchen

Kitchens are hot, sometimes hitting 130 degrees or higher. There are very few cooks who wouldn't struggle through the heat, chaotic atmosphere and madness for the ice cold adult beverage at the end of the shift. It is a known fact that cooks and chefs are a different breed. After all is said and done, being able to poke fun at your co-workers, and sometimes even yourself, for the mundane mishaps and everyday hurdles we faced in the hours leading up to this laid back B.S. session is what its all about. You may be at wits end with the guy next to you on the line all night, but when its time to leave, you know that guy is going to raise his glass and toast to a killer dinner service. There is nothing like that cold refreshing taste to ease the tension that may have built all night.

To get to my point, your kitchen crew works hard. They are behind the scenes running, burning themselves and working through it to get the best tasting and looking plates they can on your table without you knowing how much of a circus is really happening. By no means should you stop by the local liquor store before every meal, but the occasional Heineken for the kitchen crew shows them appreciation they rarely see.

The Publican in Chicago has taken this idea to the next level. The new "kitchen" category on their beer list contains only one item. That is a $10 charge that sends a 6-pack to the kitchen to show your appreciation to the cooks and chefs working hard behind all the lovely decor. They got the idea from the long-standing industry tradition, one in which diners would bring a case of beer to dinner as a token of gratitude to the kitchen.

Sometime when you are out to dinner, and you really feel like your kitchen crew did a spectacular job for you and you want to say thanks, now you know how.


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